The ELIS Report (European Language Industry Survey) is a significant annual assessment of the European language industry. This comprehensive study, supported by international industry associations, illuminates current trends, challenges, and future expectations of language service providers, translators, and language departments. With a special focus on developments such as artificial intelligence and training, the ELIS Report offers valuable insight into the dynamic world of language services. The results are presented annually as part of the “Translating Europe Workshop” and serve as an important reference point for industry experts in making strategic decisions and determining future directions.
Download the ELIS Report 2024 for Germany here:
The Qualitätssprachendienste Deutschlands association presents the first landscape report on the German Language Services Industry. Based on a survey of more than 100 prominent businesses, National Statistics authority data, and other sources, this is a definitive overview of the market.
Or, download PDF report here: